I'm currently reading Greg Egan's 'Reasons to be Cheerful'. I'm only halfway through, but so far, it seems like a great book. I'm amazed by the ideas of each and every story I've read so far. They are mesmerizing, but at the same time, terrifying. It shows how our future might be in the most... eerie, dystopian way possible. It seems like a physically great place to live, but morally, there can't be a worse place than these virtual worlds. People use their wombs to store brains of dead people, send a deterministic future email to previous selves, rewire their neurons to their will, and make a brain replica that replaces themselves at the age of 30. If we do not care about the philosophical terms, this world might be a better version of the current humankind world, but when we think about how we define us, it gets complicated super fast. And the author, Greg Egan, does not give a precise answer to these questions. The readers have to think about the answers, and possibly come up with nothing(as did I).
I think as biotechnology extends to a almost sci-fi like reality, caused by an exponential growth, humans would have to think about what our ancestors have thought for a long, long time. About Idealism and Materialism. The current world is based on many materialistic thoughts, but the future might be led by Idealistic terms which were regarded with less importance.


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