Today I felt a lot better compared to how I was this week.
I think it was all thanks to reading a book, which I had applied last November (if i recall correctly) for the new library book. It was called 'Fully Automated Luxury Communism' by Aaron Bastani. I don't have to appropriate vocabulary skill to explain what the book is about in English - hell, it was even hard reading it in my native language. I was just amazed at myself for being full of energy after reading a book I enjoyed. To be frank, I wasn't in my best conditions since Monday. I struggled to do anything, and did not want to do daily tasks including writing these posts every day. But today I really felt like I wanted to do something. From working out to writing stuff.  And most importantly, I don't feel depressed at all, which is kinda amazing because I felt super depressed since Wednesday. I blamed something I ate or waking up too late/getting to sleep too late, but it seems like the solution was simple. I just needed to find what I loved.


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