Friday already! How time flies fast. This week we had a lot of earnings report from various companies like Tesla, Microsoft, LVMH and so on. Surprisingly they had pretty good earnings than expected, which made the markets soar up high. But Apple, Amazon, and Google are yet to report their earnings - probably next week if I remember correctly. I wonder how the tech sector will perform(or rather, have performed?) in general. I hope the stock market doesn't crash, but at the same time I hope they get a bit cheaper so I can invest a bit more. I find it really hard to buy more when the stocks I have purchased have already gone up by a far margin. Which is a very stupid thing because momentum exists in stocks - but as a human being I cannot be entirely rational. Being a good investor is harder than I thought. It is hard to buy more when everything is falling, and yet when it goes up it is also hard to buy more.


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