Polygon network freezing is acting weird lately. Usually metadata freezing option was quick, but nowadays even if the transaction popup says it is done, it shows as if centralized. For sure the blockchain is unstable at some times. I wonder if I have to choose another blockchain for my nft. Wish I could use Ethereum, but the gas fee is still way too high. I saw some new options when minting, such as optimism and arbitrum - I thought they were ZK rollup solutions? I guess I really don't know much about blockchains and layers. BNB chain might be a safe option in the long run, if they don't go bankrupt like FTX.
[Link to Opensea] I'm feeling sick again. 😭 I think that it is my stomach problems again - indigestion, to be precise. I still can't believe that having digestive problems can lead to a headache. Now I do feel a lot better with the headache, but the upset stomach feels worse. I can only hope that after a good night's sleep my body returns to my normal state like magic...
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