Damn, I thought I had posted yesterday for sure, but apparently I forgot to do so on blogspot. I didn't miss it on Naver blog - what was I thinking? I do have the excuse though, which is that I didn't feel so well yesterday. I felt super depressed after reading Olaf Stapledon's Star Maker. I thought I had managed so well until now. Fuck. Tomorrow I have to go see the doctor again, should I ask him for more medication or some type of different drugs that has more effect? When I first took my melatonin pills it just knocked me to sleep super fast. I even thought it was TOO much because it had drowsy effect even at daytime. But nowadays I feel like it has almost no effect to me whatsoever. I take a pill, lie down in bed, but still scroll through my phone/ipad and decides to go to sleep after an hour later.
I think I need to (at least) tell my doctor about this phenomenon, since I had told him I've got everything under control, it's just the usual breakouts I have regularly, I think I can overcome this easily when I just reset my sleeping cycle blah blah blah.
Thinking about talking about this just makes me nervous though.


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