Today I saw an interesting article saying that not only Google's new AI Bard was wrong with info, but Microsoft's new Bing AI show also contained wrong information!
It showcased a use-case of summarizing earnings report (investor relations) which looked really cool, I still remember it. It was about Gap's earnings and comparing it with Lululemon, if i recall correctly. Anyways, the article I read said the numbers were wrong in the first place(Gap) and even more disastrous on the second case(comparing with Lululemon). So, why did Google get roasted (-7% stock right after the news came out) while Microsoft was not even bothered? I have no idea. I guess it just shows how people are obsessed with ChatGPT at the moment. I mean, I have used it last year when it came out in public, and I was massively disappointed. I asked a question about famous Korean authors and it gave a Greek name. (which was obviously a Greek person when I googled him.) It gave very limited answers to some of my questions, and when it came to philosophical questions it just gave a generic answer, saying A and B are all correct. So... I wasn't so thrilled about the new AI stuff, including generative AI and all that shit. I have used DallE, stablediffusion and some other web based picture generating AIs, but they really did not give satisfying results I have pictured in my mind. So that was when I decided to stop playing with them, and just got back to reading books again. But I was wrong.
Since 2023 January AI related stocks have soared up sky-high, and the media is non-stop talking about ChatGPT and the future of AI. I mean, come on! Why now? Why weren't they so talkative last year? Anyways since then my biggest winner have been Nvidia, which was up by 70%, which doesn't even mean I'm rich because it's only a fraction of my whole portfolio. I also bought some MSFT and GOOG, AMZN, META stocks which weren't doing as well. Again, come on! Google and Meta are the most popular AI related stocks I know! And when Google says they are launching a chatbot just like OpenAI, the market doesn't even care. (not saying google plummeted, it did rise quite a bit from the bottom - 88 to 100) I sometimes just don't get how the market reacts.
I still think Google holds the most dominant place in the AI market. Their search engine monopoly might be over (honestly, I don't think so) but if people are betting on the future of AI, Google/Meta/Amazon might be the best companies out there. Just my thought.
Let's see how this turns out in 5~10 years. I left my thoughts here, in my blog. Will the future me laugh at myself, or regret not buying more stocks?


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