Today I watched a youtube video about Einstein's Theory of Relativity(both General/Special).
I knew that I wasn't the brightest kid when I was young, but still thought that I was about average! (maybe slightly average, but I also know for a fact that most people overestimate themselves so I downgraded lol) I honestly couldn't understand what the theory was about when I finished watching it - the video was meant for average people, yet I didn't understand it! I felt dumb. So I looked up a few more educative videos (in Korean, not English, because I also knew I would not be able to understand such complex topics easily in foreign language 😥), and looked up wiki(namu wiki LULZ) to understand the topic. After about 30 minutes... I think I got the grasp. Not the entirety, I only get that time and space are the same thing(time-space, or rather, space-time it is) and everything that 'happens' on time-space can be seen relatively to the viewer. So time is not an absolute factor. Did I get this right? I don't know. But learning about something new and interesting feels good.


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