I just gave a prompt to bing, to write my diary. Here is my prompt.
Tone: Casual
Format: Blog post
Length: Short
can you write a diary about today - I watched a youtube video explaining about epigenetics and went hiking with my parents, and watched a video game contest called LCK.
And here are the results:
Hey everyone!
Today was a pretty chill day for me. I started off by watching a YouTube video explaining about epigenetics. It was super fascinating to learn how our genes can be influenced by our environment and lifestyle. I learned that things like stress, diet, exercise and even social interactions can affect how our genes are expressed. It made me wonder how my own epigenetics are shaping me as a person.
Then I went hiking with my parents in the afternoon. We had a lot of fun exploring the trails and enjoying the fresh air. We saw some beautiful views and took some pictures along the way. Hiking is one of my favorite activities because it makes me feel closer to nature and also gives me a good workout.
After we got back home, I watched a video game contest called LCK on Twitch. It was a match between two of the best League of Legends teams in Korea. It was very exciting and intense to watch them play. I cheered for my favorite team and they won in the end. It was a great way to end the day.
That's all for today's diary entry. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more updates!
Okay, seriously, the result was better than what I expected. Obviously it made up some things that weren't true, but I didn't specify what I had learned/experienced from what I did, so I guess the 'filling the gaps' job was great. The surprising thing was about LCK, it did know that LCK was a competition in Korea, that involved pro players playing League of Legends. When chatGPT launched last year, I tried it and I think it didn't really have that much info about games in general. And it said I watched it on twitch, which I didn't, of course, because LCK is not shown on twitch because they cut off their contract. (english broadcast can be seen on youtube, and korean broadcast on naver/afreeca tv) So... I guess it is not updated well, or at least does not have the correct info learnt.
Now I wanted to try out the translation function, so I typed Korean first, then told Bing chat to translate it to English. Here's the result.
here is the text I want translated: 이렇게 빙의 글 작성 기능을 써 보니 상당히 새로웠다. 이것도 올해에 새로 소개될 때 인터넷에서 가장 최신 정보로 학습을 시킨다고 했던 것 같은데, 역시 마이너한 분야(특히 게임)에서는 아직 잘못된 정보를 지니고 있다는 생각이 들었다. 적어도 그걸 직접 물어보진 않아도, 특정 주제를 글짓기할 때 잘못된 정보를 지니고 있다는 건 확인되었다. 이제 드는 생각은, 이걸 한국어로 입력해도 양질의 결과가 나오냐이다. 아마 영어로 작업 후 마지막 결과물만 한국어로 번역하면 되기 때문에 괜찮을 것 같기는 하다. 흠... 카카오랑 네이버는 AI 산업에서 어느 정도에 위치하고 있을지 궁금하다.
“Using this Bing writing function was quite new. I think it was said that when it was introduced this year, it was trained with the most up-to-date information on the Internet, but I still felt that it had incorrect information in minor areas (especially games). At least without asking directly, it was confirmed that when writing about a specific topic, it had incorrect information. Now I’m thinking whether good results will come out even if I enter this in Korean. It seems to be okay because you can work in English and then translate only the final result into Korean. Hmm… I wonder where Kakao and Naver are located in the AI industry.”
Okay, so it did translate it pretty well. I don't like some of the verbs it used - they aren't wrong, but I was expecting it to make it into a more 'natural' words. The last sentence saying 'where kakao and naver are located in the AI industry' was kinda cool, because it had Kakao and Naver both correct with capital letters. (plus the spelling too) I think I might use this Bing chat to compose my diaries from now on! But I doubt I will use the writing from scratch option again, unless I am really really tired. The result looks okay but I want to record what I really did, not make things up.
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