Happy birthday to my sister! I restarted to congratulate my family member's birthdays since last year.
But, on the other hand, the economic crisis warning sign is getting bolder and bolder every day. I'm genuinely worried now - this can't be the 2008 level of economic crisis, right? Right?
I know that I still can invest in good quality companies, fairly valued, but now I'm not so sure if I picked the right companies. I can lean towards mega-caps to decrease the risk, like google/apple/microsoft. But... they just seem so expensive at the moment! My brain is shouting 'buy! just buy and then forget!' but my instincts are saying 'nope, gotta stay in cash. or just buy gold/cryptocurrencies, stocks and bonds are still too risky.' So... I don't know which one to follow. Maybe the best option is to just do nothing.
It is my family member's birthday, a once in a year event, I think I should just focus on this instead. I hope she stays happy, stay healthy, and overall have a great year-2023.
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