I think I might be too lazy to write daily diaries. Too late finding this out though...
I just hope I can manage to write something. It's quite hard, frankly, since I do live on a very repetitive cycle. Barely anything changes apart from what I read and watch. I just wish I had more time. But again, even if I did have more time, I think I would waste most of the time doing frivolous stuff - such as watching youtube speedrun videos. Once I watched a video about time not being continuous, but rather, it can be expressed as a 2-dimensional coordinate. Quite interesting, but sadly it doesn't help the fact that I'm struggling managing my daily time. Sad. Very sad. Sometimes I wonder how all the other people on Earth do all the things they want while eating, studying, sleeping, and working. I'm not even working at the moment, yet my day comes to an end so fast.


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