Coca Cola exceeds expectations. Sales & Earnings, both beat by a good margin. (1.6%, 5.4% respectively)
Even though US dollar was super strong, global sales were strong, especially in South America. (Argentina to be more precise) And a thing to note is, that diet coke had a bigger sales growth than normal coke. I also prefer drinking Zero Pepsi rather than normal Pepsi, so I guess it makes sense.
First Republic Bank is going to have an earnings call after market close, and I think they will probably make a miss.

End of market news, time to write about my personal life.
I went to see the doctor today, as usual. (I go to Psychiatry every 2 weeks)
And I told the doctor about my ideas - dropshipping UK biscuits & making a phone app with a low(no)-coding tool. After coming back home, I decided to test out bard and asked him(her?) a question. Any recommendations with coding tools that can help a person with no experience with coding? It gave quite a few recommendations, but I decided to choose Microsoft's Power Apps, because it had an affordable monthly plan, and it had integrated Copilot into their system. I made a new account, and it even gave me a 30 days trial for free. I don't know how long I can keep my enthusiasm, but tomorrow I'm going to see the tutorials and try to make my ideas come to life. Wish me luck! I hope the future me sees this diary with a smug smile.


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