Today I went to see the psychiatrist. I talked about my thoughts on what I put the most importance in, and the importance of morality that takes part in my self-esteem. He didn't say much, mostly I was talking about the whole experience, but it surely (at least it felt like) helped me understand and organize my thoughts. 30,000 KRW per visit, but I guess it it worth the money.
Also, today was Parents' day in Korea, so I bought some things for my mom and dad. I was going to buy some flowers, but unfortunately it was all sold out, so I just bought some peaches and snacks for my parents. Mom liked it. And I made dinner, and did the dishes because I felt a bit guilty for not buying flowers. 😅 I'm happy that mom and dad were feeling satisfied. (I hope they were) These types of small changes I am making each year, makes me feel more confident - and fills more confidence and self-esteem in me. I am becoming better and better every year. Even though I may deteriorate at a random day, week, or even for a month, I will become a better person, in the long term. I am filled with hope.


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